
26 September, 2024

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Aquarium Piran/Slovenia
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Old Aquarium before renovation works
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Aquarium Piran/Portorož - Slovenia

Address: Kidricevo nabrezje 4 - 6330 Piran
The public aquarium of Piran was founded in 1964.

In 2009, the city palace was fully renovated and the public aquarium at the ground floor was redesigned and extended. (PIA Studio d.o.o. Portorož).

Also worth mentioning is that archaeological finds (walls of an apsis) were integrated in the exhibition.

In October 2009, the aquarium was finished in cooperation with aquamare.

Aquarienhaus Piran
Foto: Ubald Trnkoczy  ©  copyright



The focus of the exhibition is on the marine world of the Adriatic Sea that is presented to visitors in tanks of a total volume of 60.000 litres (60 m3).

• 14 tanks between 250 and 400 litres
• 8 tanks between 2.000 and 3.500 litres
• one 5.250 litre tank
• one 6.000 litre tank
• one 10.500 litre tank
• one 11.000 litre tank
• one 1.100 litre tank




Opening hours:

From 1 January to 13 April: 9.00am until 5pm
From 14 April to 12 June:  9.00am until 8pm
From 13 June to 31 August:  9.00am until 10pm, open daily
From 1 September to 13 November:  9.00am until 7pm
From 14 November to 31 December:  9.00am until 5pm
Closed on Mondays